You are here: Basic Functionalities > Process Template Management > Connecting AgileShapes To Each Other

Connecting AgileShapes To Each Other

Connecting AgileShapes in a process template is similar to the process of connecting Visio shapes in a Visio diagram. First you would select Visio’s Connector Tool ( ). Next you would click and hold on to an Out Connection Point of an AgileShape, and then drag the mouse pointer to an In Connection Point of another AgileShape (and then release the mouse button).

NOTE: Some AgileShapes have Connection Points that can be used as either an In Connection Point or an Out Connection Point, while others have Connection Points that may only be used in a specific direction. For example, the Single Condition AgileShape has 2 Connection Points labeled Yes and No. These 2 Connection Points must always be used as Out Connection Points, while the unlabeled Connection Points must always be used as In Connection Points. However, you can configure which side the labeled points are positioned on by Right-Clicking and selecting Flip Yes or Flip No.